How to Make $3,335 from the Back of a Taxi

Taxi sign with the text next to it: She launched her membership in a taxi on the way to the airport.

We met at an event in Canada.

And like most of the 800 people in that room, Lucy was excited.

“This is my last chance,” she told me.

“I’ve been talking about this for ages, and if I don’t do it now, I never will.”

She hated her job, and she needed out, like pronto.


During the coffee break, she told me her business idea, which sounded great.

“Go for it, you’ve got nothing to lose” I told her.

As happens at these events, I didn’t see her again until the final day of the event.

We stood at the back of the room, listening to the last motivational speaker wind things up.

“I have to go,” she told me.

She had a flight to catch, and she was out of time.

“So, what are you going to do?” I asked.

She looked lost.

“I don’t know,” she said, leaving to catch her taxi.

As I thought about the last few days, that summed up half the room.

They’d been fired up, met incredible new people and had big parties…

And now it was crunch time, it was time to commit.

I’ve been to a lot of these types of events, and one thing I’ve learned is this…

Most of the crowd will never take action.

They’re fully amped when they leave, but when they get back to the day job, it quickly fades away into memories on an iPhone.

The call came about 45 minutes later.

“I’ve done it, I’ve gone live, but I’ve got a problem.”

We didn’t know what she was saying as she wouldn’t even be at the airport yet.

Sitting in that taxi, she decided to launch her membership…

And she did it there and then.

This is what she had to get going:

• Facebook group (about 500 people) • Zoom account • iPhone

She’d gone live into her Facebook Group telling her people that she had an idea and would they be interested.

Lucy explained the membership and told them that founding members paid only $29 a month if they signed up now.

Scared out of her brain and expecting nothing but ridicule, she came off the live and put her phone in her bag.

Here’s what happened next…

When she reached the airport, she had a bunch of notifications.

115 people had asked to sign up for her membership and wanted to know how to pay.

She hadn’t worked that bit out.

And she needed to, quick.

Her flight back to Australia had been called, and she’d be travelling for 23 hours.

“I’ve done it, I’ve gone live, but I’ve got a problem. I’ve got no way for them to pay.”

We could hear the excitement mixed with panic.

“Set up a PayPal subscription and share the link with them.” we told her.

She said she had no idea how to do it, but she’d work it out.

And so she did.

By the time she landed in Australia, she’d received $3,335

During the flights, she worked out the structure of the membership and her first coaching session.

In less than 24 hours, she was in business.

Do you see what happens when you don’t get it perfect but just get it going?

If you wait for perfection, you’ll wait forever.

So what about you?

What’s holding you back from starting a thriving online business?

I’m Andy 👋

I help coaches build 6-figure businesses in the Level Up Coaches Club.

We’ll help you build your courses, membership and Community.

Find out more:

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