6 Free and Easy Ways to Boost Your SEO

SEO (search engine optimisation) magnifying glass by Great Circle Digital Marketing

How to improve your Google Search ranking

Search engine optimisation (SEO) can be hugely intimidating for business owners and entrepreneurs. It may look like some strange, black art, but it doesn’t have to be!

There are plenty of free and simple ways to boost your SEO without breaking the bank, so let me share six easy tips that will help you improve your website’s search engine visibility without cost or hassle.


1: Optimise Your Titles And Metadata

Metadata on a web page refers to information embedded in its HTML code but is not visible on the page itself. This metadata provides search engines with information about the webpage, helping them understand and categorise the content.

Take the example of an e-commerce business that sells sports gear. To boost their SEO, they must ensure that the titles and metadata associated with each product page are optimised for search engine crawlers, which isn’t as tricky as it sounds.

The title should include the following:

  • The brand name
  • A keyword related to the product category
  • Other relevant words like colour or size

Similarly, the meta description must be written to entice people to click on your website when listed among others in search results.

The metadata serves as an introduction to potential customers who may have never heard of this brand. Therefore, it must accurately describe what is being sold while offering compelling reasons why they should buy from you instead of another seller.

For instance, if you offer free shipping on all orders over $50, ensure this fact is included in your titles and descriptions. This helps improve organic rankings and encourages more visitors to click through and purchase something once they land on the site.


2: Focus On Quality Content

Quality content is one of the most important aspects to consider when boosting your SEO. It should be relevant, detailed, and well-written – as this will give search engines more information about what’s on your website.

Here are four steps for creating quality content:

  1. Research your topic thoroughly

  2. Use keywords strategically throughout the text (but don’t stuff keywords into the text unnecessarily)

  3. Make sure that all facts are accurate and up-to-date

  4. Write in a clear, easy-to-follow style

By following these four simple rules, you can ensure that your readers get valuable information from each page they visit on your site while also helping to boost your SEO at the same time.

Remember, SEO also relies on user experience, so make it as clear as possible what your page is about.


Building quality backlinks is one of the most important and effective SEO strategies. Backlinks are links from other websites to your own, which act as a “vote” for your website in search engine rankings.

To create high-quality backlinks, you must ensure they come from reputable sources and have relevant content on their pages that leads to yours. For example, you can build backlinks by creating guest posts on popular blogs or websites related to your industry or niche.

You can also reach out to other web admins and bloggers within your field who may be willing to link to resources on your site. Additionally, submit articles with links to your site on platforms like Medium and Quora.

Finally, don’t forget about social media – post compelling content with links leading back to specific pages on your website. By following these steps, you should be able to build quality backlinks that will help boost your SEO efforts over time.


4: Utilise Social Media

Social media is a powerful tool for boosting your SEO by creating online connections, establishing trust with potential customers, promoting content, and strengthening links.

Here are five great ways to use social media to boost your SEO:

  1. Engage in conversations on relevant forums and groups related to your industry or niche
  2. Create original content that adds value and reaches out to target audiences
  3. Use various platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, or LinkedIn to build relationships
  4. Post fresh content regularly to keep followers engaged (Google LOVES fresh content)
  5. Monitor mentions of yourself, competitors, or keywords associated with your brand

By leveraging the power of social media, you’ll reach more people than ever. You’ll also gain valuable insights into what resonates best with them so you can fine-tune your marketing message accordingly.


5: Make Sure Your Site Is Mobile-Friendly

Ensuring your website is mobile-friendly is crucial to boosting your SEO. Many users are now accessing the internet via their phones, so having an optimised page for these devices can increase traffic and engagement with your site.

It’s essential to check that all of your content looks good on desktop and mobile screens; if it doesn’t, you could miss out on potential customers. In addition, ensure that your navigation menus are easy to use, images load quickly, and text sizes adjust automatically when viewed from different platforms.

If possible, create dedicated versions of pages specifically tailored towards mobile viewers – this will help improve the overall experience and make finding information more accessible.


6: Optimise Your Images

Images have the potential to be a powerful tool in any SEO strategy. They can add visual interest and clarity to your website, making it easier for visitors to understand complex topics or ideas. On top of that, using appropriate images on your site can boost its search engine visibility by giving them something else besides text to crawl and rank.

By optimising your images properly, you’ll ensure they don’t slow down your page loading speed while retaining their quality - which is essential for both user experience and SEO purposes.

Start by compressing and resizing large image files before uploading them onto your web pages; this will ensure faster loading times without compromising the visuals.

Use the WebP format instead of JPEG to help reduce file size whilst retaining the quality of the image.

Additionally, carefully choose image filenames and alt text descriptions that accurately describe each photo’s contents: doing so helps search engines better understand what’s on the page and boosts your chances of ranking higher in SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages).



SEO is like running a race. It takes time and effort to make it to the finish line, but there are ways you can give yourself an edge over your competition.

By following these five free and easy steps, you’ll be well on your way to boosting your SEO rankings in no time.

Taking advantage of optimising titles and metadata, creating quality content, building backlinks, utilising social media, making sure your site is mobile-friendly, and optimising images will help you sprint ahead of the rest.



If you're struggling to get your business to rank higher in search results, get in touch to find out how we can help.

We can help you optimise your website's metadata, conduct keyword research, and implement proven SEO strategies to drive more traffic, increase leads, and grow your online presence.

Drop us a line at [email protected] or book a free, 1 Hour Strategy Call here: https://calendly.com/great-circle/60min

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